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What should I look for in a low-deflection shaft?

Chip Klein

Pete the Player: What should I look for in a low-deflection shaft?

The Lone Gunman,

Chip Klein:

Many are not aware of the energy that crosses any sphere when it is acted on by any force. In billiards, we have our linear energy (the stick direction) and energy that passes to the CENTER of the sphere. Basically, two lines of force are introduced to our round white ball. The angle of approach of linear (stick direction) can be changed to equalize these energies so our cueball takes the line that is in line with our bridge hand and the top of the cueball. So even though our stick is pointed far to the left or right of our target, the cueball will still track on that line that is your bridge hand and top of the cueball. The problem is if your bridge length is too long or too short, our equation that equalizes these energy lines is off a bit. Yikes! Here is where it gets good. If you have a comfortable bridge length of 7 inches, then this is where you may like the sweet spot to be, and therefore you may want a shaft that is known as regular deflection. Many house cues have this sweet-spot point at about 5-7 inches. This means you can aim at a ball as though shooting with no English, apply inside English WITH BACK HAND (bridge hand should not move), and you will still pocket the shot. For those of us that bridge longer, a low-deflection shaft is desirable, meaning the sweet spot will be back 8-15 inches. This means if you bridge far back and you were to pivot with inside English and pocket the ball, that would be the sweet spot on that particular shaft. Revos are around 8-12 inches. Test this for yourself.

Adjusting for OUTSIDE ENGLISH WITH A LOW DEFLECTION STICK can be done by simply applying half or one tip of front hand. Additional spin can then be added with backhand. I attribute my victories over World and US OPEN Champions to the understanding of these spin techniques. Less practice is needed once you know and understand. Finding low Deflection Cues: *Very skinny regular wood shaft. *Short ferrule, light end mass. *hollowed out from ferrule 5-6 inches deep. * Very light wood. * Carbon Fiber Any additional weight, such as metal inserts near the front of the shaft, increases end mass and will cause increased deflection. The laws of physics dictate this. Thank you. Enjoy. Chip Klein


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