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Super Diamond Chalk Review~ by Garett Troop

I saw this advertised on facebook so I got a piece and wow. All I can

say is this stuff has Kamui written all over it. It’s an exact replica and I would guess that they are made at the same place. Super Diamond chalk totally reminds me of the Kamui 1.21. The wrapper has a segmented perforated wrapper that is exactly like Kamui. Stuff is a little lighter in complexion. It does not transfer off the tip on the table like Kamui did though.

A really cool feature is that is has the QR code on the bottom of the chalk giving it a super easy way to connect to the company out in Russia. On their website they show that there is a black and a white wrapper.

I’m not sure if this is like the two different versions or what. All in all the chalk is great. It kinda fits the need that there is now that Kamui went to the Roku. This chalk is less greasier than the .98 and less messy on the table.

So all in all it’s a great chalk. I would just do my homework or get a hold of the guy that knows a LOT about chalk. You all know who I mean.

This is the description that was given on the website.

As a result of painstaking work and many months of effort, the team of the Super Diamond brand finally developed a perfect billiard chalk formula that has no analogues. Modern expensive equipment was purchased, highly qualified employees of the chemical laboratory were involved in the development, and, in the end, you are presented with a unique product – the Super Diamond Billiard Chalk, loved by everyone for its functionality, with some improvements.

Most of the characteristics for which the first version of the chalk fell in love with thousands of players and professional athletes, remained the same – these are: High profitability; Lack of any pollution, whether it be hands, a shaft cue, balls or cloth; Chalk is absolutely loose, as they say “it is smeared like butter”; It has high-quality printing, the label causes a pleasant tactile sensation; It has a beautiful aesthetic appearance; Tear-off strips give convenience in operation, and their removal as the chalk is abraded carries an important functional load; Decreased sticker service life; Moisture resistance. In addition, an important feature of the Super Diamond chalk is that no matter how hard you put it into account, as a result of economy, you will not put more than one layer on a sticker. Hence, there is no need to control this moment and bother with unnecessary information, and in the game this, as you know, is very important. And, finally, about the additional features of the new version of Diamond.

In addition to the above properties, the new chalk formula is suitable for all types of stickers – from the softest to the toughest. This makes it possible to successfully use it in the pool and snooker. The Super Diamond crayon in the white label was specially developed for the pool and snooker – there is no diamond crumb in it and there are a number of other changes that have adapted it as much as possible for soft stickers and light balls. In addition to this, the new “Diamond” has the same, stable adhesion coefficient throughout its entire service life. All success on the green canvas!

Author: Garett Troop Editor: Chris Freeman


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