Mark White writes about 'Ally Bally" Mosconi Cup 2022, Post Mortem! With the Feature story of Earl Strickland! The year's last issue is full of Mosconi Cup 2022 photos by Taka Wu, Photographer of Matchroom Multisport! Plus, a great article on Taka! Get to know the man behind the lens! Speaking of Mosconi, read the article on Dennis Hatch!

Anthony Beeler gives advice on Tournament Preparation, and Rick Prince adds life with his article on "The Cutting Edge" Also, be sure to check out The Drill Instructor's latest lesson! Linda Carter interviews Junior player Eli "The Giant" Zahavi and how he works his billiards during his busy time in school. Kieth Shaner adds a great story on Nathan Wallace, Renaissance Road Man! Boris Vidakovic writes a great story on English 8Ball Champions in Malta!
The magazine is full of some great articles! Get to know more about Marianne Raulerson from Marianne's Tournaments and her amazing contributions to billiards by Brad Swain.
I have been waiting for Dennis Hatch to get well enough to give me a quote about his trip to the 2022 Mosconi Cup! Unfortunately, with all the people Dennis met at this year's Mosconi Cup, he caught the flu and has been laid up. He is now well enough and gave me a call earlier today and said he would give me a quote on how he felt the games went at Bally's in Las Vegas. I wanted to add it to the article, but this is just as good a spot to hear from the only American Rookie MVP to this day that has played in the Mosconi! There is still a great article on Dennis Hatch in the Magazine, but to update, Here is the latest!

This is what Dennis Hatch had to say! "Hi Kathryn, I had a wonderful time at the Mosconi Cup!
I thought team USA 🇺🇸 was definitely in it all the way up until the last day; they fell apart at the end. What a great experience to be a spectator and not a player. You get to see a lot of things you don’t see as a player at the table.
I met and saw some old friends, new players, and old players.
I want to be a part of the Mosconi Cup next year or the year after as a Captain or player!
Overall I think the Mosconi cup was great, and that match room did a wonderful job with the venue and presentation.
I feel that I could contribute some things to the team as a captain that would make us a winning team. I think the American and European fans and players would love it if I were captain of team USA 🇺🇸 I am still the only American rookie MVP to this day.

I think with the skills I have as a player, coach, and the games I know how to teach, and the drills that made me a champion could help team USA. Mentally, physically and emotionally,
I’m a force to be reckoned with in the game of billiards, and I believe I could be a huge part of a winning USA team." — Dennis Hatch, a.k.a. "The Hatchetman."

Another SPM Billiards Magazine is out with some great stories! Issue 34! Be sure to check out the stories and catch the amazing photography from Taka Wu and the article on Matchroom Multisport's photographer!!