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SPM TV Live with Savannah 'The RoadRunner' Easton

The SPM Stream Team talks with Savannah Easton who is a new upcoming star in the juniors league! Savannah is sponsored by Predator, Kamui, Jam Up Apparel, Salotto, Golden State Billiard & Supply, and Bangin’ Ballz Billiards! Keep an eye on this young lady! I have a feeling she is going to go far!

Thank you sos much Savannah for being on the show today and thank you to Tiffany and Larry Easton for allowing Savannah to be on the show today! I have to say a special thanks to John Bertone for turning us in the direction of this talented young lady! After watching her live at the Swanee and her beating Duncan Weiss she impressed me! This is a young lady to watch!

I did a little editing to straighten a few things up that I could, in the last part of the video Jake Sovey is talking about John Bertone from Kamui and how the kids that he sponsors have to have a 4.0 GPA or get straight As! That part did not go on live. SPM is very proud of Savannah 'The RoadRunner' Easton!


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