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PoolSchool: The Bridge. ~ Boris Vidakovic {Part 2}

Closed bridge

After learning how to make an open bridge, it is easy to change and form a closed bridge using the idea that a closed bridge is just like an open bridge but one with a loop. This loop is formed by your thumb and index finger and finished by the loop touching your middle finger. In order to form the bridge, start with a classic open bridge on the table and rotate your bridge hand slightly inward towards your body. With this rotation, your middle finger should now be where your index finger would normally be and the shaft will rest on top of it. Your thumb and index finger are now free to form a loop around the shaft and close the new formation.

1st step:

 Put your hand on the table as you are going to form an open bridge.

2nd step:

 Rotate hand so middle finger comes on the place of index finger which is now in the air.

3rd step:

 Make open bridge with your thumb and middle finger and close it with index finger.

To be able to play with this bridge you only need to put your cue on that open bridge that your thumb and middle finger formed before you close it with the index finger, and then you have made the close bridge.


You would need some time to adapt with this bridge but the benefits are much bigger than effort needed to learn this closed bridge!

Most pool players (contrary to snooker players) insist on this bridge and use it almost every time. This bridge is very solid and can deliver a lot of power and spin on the cue ball, which is why it is very important to master it.

I hope learning this bridge does not change your backswing as the closed bridge forces your hand on your cue to stay tighter and more in line. So don’t forget to use your back hand and test it some time using hard shots with an open bridge, and if your cue is parallel and doesn’t goes awry, than you can be sure that your new bridge is not giving you a false picture of your stroke.

All the best until the next article in which we will talk about the closed cushion bridge.

*See Part 1 here.

Photo: Piroshki Photography Editor: Dana Gornall


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