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Pechauer Rogue Shaft Review ~ by Garret Troop

I have been working with and dealing with Pechauer for years. They have always been super helpful and respectful of my time and my money that is an investment. When you buy a cue or a shaft it’s important to get to know the company that you work with. Pechauer stands by their name and products.

Now with all that being said I had the opportunity to review their new Rogue shaft. With the new Carbon fiber shaft craze I see many companies working to perfect what they feel is the best shaft on the market.

The Rogue shaft was a pleasure to play with and should be on everyone’s bucket list. They kept their Protaper the same from their wooden shaft and the Carbon fiber shafts so it was a transition to get used to the new shaft.

Something that I wanted to mention was that the shaft has a really soft sound. Most carbon fiber shafts have a kind of a tink sound when you hit with them. This shaft has a soft sound and is really pleasant.

The Rogue shaft has a lot less deflection as compared to their wooden counterparts. The shaft was still and responsive to english applied to the cue ball and it maximizes your stroke and allows you to get what you want out of the shot at hand.

They offer their shafts in a number of styles. You can get it in a 29” and a 30” lengths.  It’s offered in three different diameters They offer a 12.8mm an 12.4mm and an 11.8mm. This covers a large part of the market. The pins that they offer are listed. They offer the Pechauer quick release in a piloted and a flat face option, Uniloc, 3/8X10,Radial, 5/16X14 and 5/16X18. They have a short ferrule on the shaft that helps with the alignment of your aiming at the end of the cue. This ferrule also helps dampen the hollow feel and hit of the Carbon fiber shaft. All of these aspects that go into making a great shaft.

I feel that that a lot of people have a difficult transition from Wood to Carbon Fiber. I know that Pechauer put a small weight in the rear section that is proprietary of their Rogue shaft as many companies do. With all that this shaft offers I personally feel that this shaft is a great transition from wood to Carbon Fiber.

A lot of people say that their shaft feels like a wooden shaft. To that I say if you want a wooden shaft then buy a wood shaft. If you want a Carbon Fiber shaft then you should buy one. This shaft is a great transition between the two. The finish on this shaft is proprietary but to my best guess its the same finish that they use on their wooden shaft.

I will go on to say that when I requested to do this review from Pechauer, Joe himself let me borrow his personal cue to do so. To me that was so cool. They go through a lot of R&D work to make sure that their customers get exactly what they wanted. A great shaft that plays great and is up with the times.

All in all this is a great shaft and if you are in the market for a valuable shaft that will last you a lifetime. The company really puts a lot of R&D into what they do and are a huge supporter of the youth in this industry. The only thing that I have to say that I didn’t prefer was the finish on the shaft. But again the benefits outweigh the offsets.


Order Now for January/February Delivery. Separate yourself from the pack. Prepare to break free from the crowds and have your game stand out. Designed for deadly accuracy, the Pechauer Rogue Shaft is a marvel of innovation and engineering. The Rogue breaks the mold of standard carbon shafts by combining carbon-fiber technology with a high tensile aramid fiber, making this our most precise, powerful shaft yet. Make the change go rogue.


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