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Kicking Out: From The Drill Instructor. ~ Dominic Esposito {Part 2}

Last time I described the situation where your opponent has executed a safety, placing the cue ball behind a cluster and you have to kick out and make a good hit.

That same drill gives you the foundation to accurately learn to apply 1, 2, and 3 tips of English on the cue ball. That will come in handy every time I write you a lesson and suggest the amount of English needed. This time we will again focus on kicking, only this time shooting the length of the table to kick out and hit the object ball. Remember last time we applied one tip of English for one diamond, two tips for tow diamonds and three tips for three diamonds?

Now we’re shooting the full length of the table (twice the distance), so we apply half the English for each Diamond Point.

You’re going to love this.

Diagram 1 D Esposito

The Drill

  1. Place the cue ball in front of Diamond Point 0, from 6 to 8 inches off the rail.

  2. Place object balls on the rails at Diamond Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, as shown in the diagram.

  3. Place the cue ball in front of Diamond Point 0, from 6 to 8 inches off the rail.

  4. Shoot, with a 1⁄2-Tip of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 1 ball.

  5. Place object balls on the rails at Diamond Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, as shown in the diagram.

  6. Shoot, with 1-Tip of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 2 ball.

  7. Shoot, with 11 ⁄2-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit and maybe even pocket the 3 ball.

  8. Shoot, with a 1⁄2-Tip of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 1 ball.

  9. Shoot, with 2-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 4 ball.

  10. Shoot, with 2 1⁄2-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 5 ball.

  11. Shoot, with 1-Tip of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 2 ball.

  12. Shoot, with 3-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 6 ball.

  13. Shoot, with 1 1⁄2-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit and maybe even pocket the 3 ball. This long shot kick-out can be further studied by experimenting with other diamond contact point locations. Keep in mind that you’ll need to determine what one tip of English on your cue stick tip equals.

  14. Obviously Shoot, with 2-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 4 ball. a 10.50mm tip verses a 13.25mm tip will see one, two and even three tips differently.

By hitting the targeted diamond points accurately, you’ll be able to determine what the striking point on the cue ball is that equals Shoot, with 2 1⁄2-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 5 ball. one, two, and three tips of English for you.

Work hard on these and you’ll soon become a tough player to play Shoot, with 3-Tips of English, into Diamond Point 0 to hit the 6 ball. a safe on, and you’ll surely be saying good-bye to giving up ball in hand.

Every volume of lessons by The Drill Instructor is worth thousands in pool lessons. You can find this drill and more at The Drill Instructor website.

Dominic is a Professional Pool Instructor and Playing Coach who travels throughout the country doing exhibitions and BOOT CAMP pool clinics. Since 2003, his involvement in the pool and billiard industry continues to provide the financial resources that allow him to function as a Prison and Addiction Recovery Chaplain, plus conduct meetings teaching The Message of the Cross and The Conditional Promises of God. His persona is “The Drill Instructor.” Dominic has produced an extensive series of books, DVDs, playing equipment and training aids, plus he regularly publishes monthly pool lesson articles for POOL & BILLIARD Magazine as well as other Major Web Site Magazines that reach millions of pool players world wide every year. In 2006, Dominic founded the “Play Pool Youth Academy,” which utilizes the “Pool Players Creed,” similar to his “Kids Karate Creed” that was taught at his kids martial arts academies for years. Photo: Giulia/Flickr Editor: Dana Gornall



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