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Jump Drill. ~Dominic Esposito

For some of you, it’s about time you learned how to jump a cue ball. For others, it’s time to perfect your jumping skills even more.

While some people would rather complain that jump cues don’t belong in the game—most of whom, I guess, don’t jump very well themselves—jumping is an integral part of pocket billiard games and a jumping cue is nothing more than a tool that can make executing the jump shot more effective. You still have to work at becoming proficient with a jump cue and the jump shot.

The number one most asked question I hear is: Where do I hit the cue ball?

  1. For this practice illustration, I’m using an Aramith Pro pool ball.

  2. Space the solid object balls up the center line of the table, as shown above.

  3. Place the striped object balls (which represent the cue ball) IN LINE WITH EACH SOLID BALL aiming into the side pocket, approximately 1⁄2 diamond length apart, as shown in the illustration.

  4. Be sure each stripe is perfectly horizontal, and the numbers are in line with the side pocket.

  5. The shaft of your jump cue is elevated to about 45°.

  6. The tip of the jump cue is aimed directly at the colored paint line between the numbered and clear white sections on the object ball.

  7. Aim to jump-shoot the striped object ball over the solid ball and into the side pocket.

  8. Be sure your back grip hand or fingers are very loose at all times.

  9. Hit and follow through with the same speed and force as if you were stabbing a steak knife deep into an apple or like spearing a fish.

The number two most asked question I hear is: How do I hold the jump cue?

Here is where much can be said about the different techniques for jumping. Many players like to use what I call the “crouch-n-chicken” technique. Other players use the “darting” technique. Among these two most popular forms of jumping there are several stylistic differences.

There are convincing arguments advocating that one way is better than the other. The fact is, the best one for you is the one that makes you feel the most comfortable and you work hardest at to develop your jump skill proficiencies. Don’t just try one way to decide.

Over the coming lessons, I hope to break down the techniques of jumping and the different types of jump shots. I promise to bring you clear and accurate information to learn from.

This jumping drill and many others can be found in the newly released Book and DVD by The Drill Instructor, BOOT CAMP.

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Dominic is a Professional Pool Instructor and Playing Coach who travels throughout the country doing exhibitions and BOOT CAMP pool clinics. Since 2003, his involvement in the pool and billiard industry continues to provide the financial resources that allow him to function as a Prison and Addiction Recovery Chaplain, plus conduct meetings teaching The Message of the Cross and The Conditional Promises of God. His persona is “The Drill Instructor.” Dominic has produced an extensive series of books, DVDs, playing equipment and training aids, plus he regularly publishes monthly pool lesson articles for POOL & BILLIARD Magazine as well as other Major Web Site Magazines that reach millions of pool players world wide every year. In 2006, Dominic founded the “Play Pool Youth Academy,” which utilizes the “Pool Players Creed,” similar to his “Kids Karate Creed” that was taught at his kids martial arts academies for years. Photos: provided by author Editor: Hannah Blue

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