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Getting Comfortable With Your Dominant Eye. ~ Dominic Esposito

[Some very interesting information at the 2:26 mark!]


We want to talk about an area you might have overlooked when you’re working hard to build up your playing skills. Please consider the benefits of The PRO ENGLISH TRAINER for the positive results it produces.:

1. Developing your center ball alignment accuracy.

2. Applying up to three perfect tips of English in any direction with pin-point accuracy.

3. Mastering the degree of reflection required for your pool playing shaft.

4. Discover, develop, correct, and train your dominant eye vision when aiming.

5. The P.E.T. causes you to stay down on your shots — stopping unwanted jumping up.

6. Perfect your shooting stroke follow-through for greater cue ball action.

We’ve heard from many of the thousands of players who have used The P.E.T. to train, with much success in any number of these six areas stated.

We hope you would consider doing the same today.

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Sponsored by POV Pool and Jacoby Custom Cues


Dominic is a Professional Pool Instructor and Playing Coach who travels throughout the country doing exhibitions and BOOT CAMP pool clinics. Since 2003, his involvement in the pool and billiard industry continues to provide the financial resources that allow him to function as a Prison and Addiction Recovery Chaplain, plus conduct meetings teaching The Message of the Cross and The Conditional Promises of God. His persona is “The Drill Instructor.” Dominic has produced an extensive series of books, DVDs, playing equipment and training aids, plus he regularly publishes monthly pool lesson articles for POOL & BILLIARD Magazine as well as other Major Web Site Magazines that reach millions of pool players world wide every year. In 2006, Dominic founded the “Play Pool Youth Academy,” which utilizes the “Pool Players Creed,” similar to his “Kids Karate Creed” that was taught at his kids martial arts academies for years.

Editor: Hannah Blue


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