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Eye Patterns and Sighting ~ by Tim “The Monk” Miller

The main difference between the professional player and the best amateur is that the pro does not miss shots.

They have a unique way of aiming at the object ball.  And the men will not share this information with anyone, not even their wives. It is a closely guarded secret.

The reason I share this with you is because it is time for you to think about how you are going to aim the ball. There are many systems out there that really create more confusion than anything else. Aiming must be personal, backed by an intuitive feeling that you are in line with the shot.

Always remember, if you do not hit the exact spot on the cue ball you will most likely miss and give the table away.

First you must master shot making. Often, we miss shots because we don’t properly prepare to shoot them. We rush into it, or we don’t identify the exact approach we should use. We sometimes think a shot is too hard so we don’t give it our best effort. We don’t’ set up properly. We shoot with interference.

Remember, the stroke, minus the interference equals the shot.

There is a sequence that helps us become a better ball striker.

First we must connect to the shot. That means we stand in line with the shot until we see the angle.

Then we land on the cue ball.

Then we set the cue tip on the cue ball.  Is it only at this time you can aim at the target. Your cue tip location has everything to do with the shot.  Focus on the target and then bring your eyes back to the cue ball. If all is well, we raise our eyes to the target and trust our stroke. It is at this time we are aiming at the target. We deliver the stroke and listen to the ball split the pocket. It is fine to stare at the object ball as it disappears in the pocket but very good training to listen to the sound of it falling in the pocket. This will produce strong myelin for making the shot.

You see the shot when you are standing and you aim at the target when you are set on the cue ball.

When you land on the cue ball, do not use a practice stroke until you see the target real clear. Once you see the target, do a couple of practice strokes and with each stroke determine for yourself you are still in line for the shot.

There are three ways to aim the cue ball. The first aiming system you will use is the;

“Eyes on the cue ball at the time you deliver the stroke”

Many of our missed shots can be directly related to a miss hit on the cue ball. I have identified a series of shots that require me to use this first method. I share the MONK 101 Membership. I rarely miss.

The second method is to fix your;

Eyes on the object ball only.

Do not look at the cue ball. Not once. Do not take your eyes off the object ball. You will develop a series of shots where this works wonders for you. I only have a few of the “object ball only” shots but when I face them I rarely miss. This method works so well I taught it to my friend and he used it to beat me in a tournament. I show you these shots in my training course.

The third method is to;

Look back and forth in sequence.

You must land on the cue ball. Check your cue tip in line with the shot. Focus on the object ball. Back to the cue ball, set, focus on the object ball and deliver the stroke.

In this third sighting system you see the target clearly, and then you see it again when you land on the cue ball. Then you know what stroke you will be using to give you good position and make the overall shot successful. At this time you must deliver the stroke with confidence.

The last thing you think about when you deliver the stroke is to make the shot.You must not be thinking about position, the score, or the rewards of making the shot. Think only about making the shot. If you get out of this shot sequence, you will most likely miss or miss the position.

Many of us have been doing the same thing for years with the same results. I, for one, missed too many shots. Keep in mind, a few missed shots is too many. Only a fool continues to do the same thing and expect a change. We must change and I offer some techniques the proven players use. They will never share this information but you can study them to see for yourself. I do not share this on the open market. This training is reserved for the MONK 101 Wolf Pack Players only.

There has been a lot of talk about aiming. Someone has come up with a new technique that sparks everyone’s interest. I wish it were that simple. It would be easier if there was a specific mathematical formula for aiming and we could all rely on it to pocket balls. Without a solid stance however, no aiming system will work for you. Those who graduate from this training end up with a professional stance.

The truth about aiming is that it is relative. The exact same shot can be aimed three different ways depending on the English you are using. The point of contact changes when you change cue tip location. So the bottom line, aiming is an instinctual thing.

The spot you hit is the cue ball. The cue ball is your target. If you aim at the object ball and miss hit the cue ball, your aim is perfect but you will miss the shot.

Aiming systems are an exercise in applied knowledge. You need to focus on the system before you can make it happen. All aiming systems are useless if you are not aligned to the shot.

It generally takes a year or more of solid work to build a great stance. Unless your training is specific and deliberate, you are wasting your time. I will look for you in the finals.

The Monk

Check my web site. It is all new and very exciting.



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