Media Kit
Our goal is to celebrate pool players and the game of pool by helping beginners and professionals take their game to the next level. We do this by introducing players to the most innovative products and enriching information available. The magazine and website feature the latest news on pool-related events, including in-depth player interviews with the most prominent people in our sport. Additional features include product reviews and the finest in pool-related merchandise.
Engage YOUR Audience !
Reach your audience on and through SPM Media, averaging over 10k website hits per month and over 50k a month with people reached on Facebook, coupled with a higher Engagement Rate that our competition! Check out the video of testimonials from other advertisers below! Advertise with us NOW!

Copy Requirements
art department can assist with your ad
design. Call for quotes. Materials must
be in-house one week before the
materials deadline. Allow additional
time for requests other than simple
ACCEPTED MEDIA: Ads may be sent by email as PDFs or high-resolution {300 dpi) JPGs/TIFs/EPS/AI or In-Design. Please include all fonts and graphics. Email to sneakypetemafia@yahoo.com
You can send larger size via YouSendit.com or Dropbox.com for free in order to bypass email size limitations.
STANDARD COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE: We cannot use home software, such as Print Master, graphics in MSWord, etc. Send all fonts & graphics with your ad or embedded in the PDFs. Text files: MS Word for Macintosh or Windows. Other word processor files accepted: Save as .rtf (Rich Text Format).
SIZE SPECIFICATIONS: Page Size Trims to 8 1/4 x 11 inches. {20.955 cm x 27.94 cm). Bleeds: Minimum bleed size is pre-trim 8.5 inches (21.59 cm) x 11.25 (28.575 cm). Note: Keep "live material" (everything other than background) a minimum of 1/4 or .25 inch (.635 cm) inside the trim size unless your design/graphic should bleed/trim.
COPY REGULATIONS: Sneaky Pete Mafia Magazine reserves the right to decline or reject any advertisement for any reason at any time without liability even though previously acknowledged and accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: The advertiser and the advertising agency assume liability, jointly and severally, for all content (including text representations and illustrations) of advertisements printed, and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against Sneaky Pete Mafia Magazine. The advertiser and the advertising agency agree, jointly and severally, to indemnify and hold Sneaky Pete Mafia Magazine harmless from all costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), liabilities and damages arising in any way from publication of any advertisement placed by the advertiser or the advertising agency.
Through our Facebook page, our merchants can communicate directly to thousands of well-informed potential clients, providing valuable market data and feedback. Let us help you reach an audience with BUYING POWER. Our subscribers attend tournaments, events, leagues, and expos to learn about products and share knowledge. We invite you to join our community, make that connection, and reach those who love pool.