Linda Carter
I've been involved in every facet of the game at every level for decades. Here are some selected achievements:
I have been playing competitively for 50 years!
Before Covid I was a WPBA member and played in pro tournaments; the last was the Ashton Twins event in Calgary, CN in 2019. Will be going again this year, in 2022.
I was one of only 15 women selected to be on the IPT's roster of over 150 top players in the world, 2005-2006
I won the BCA Regionals 8-ball Grand Masters in 2011 – round robin, Liz Cole, a pro, was 2nd.
Took 2nd in BCA Regionals 9 ball Grand Masters that same year behind Liz Cole. Dan Louie mirrored both of my finishes in his divisions.
We did the same thing in Port Alberni, BC, on the Dufferin Tour...except the guys played on the bar boxes, and the ladies got to play on the 9-footers!! Danny and I got cool embroidered personalized jackets to commemorate our wins at that event.
In March (2016), I cashed in the WBCA Chinook Winds Open again, Scotch Doubles with Darin Walding, and Grand Masters. Did not place in Master Teams, but 3 out of 4 events weren't bad.
March 2018, at WBCA Regionals, it was the first time they went purely by Fargo ratings. Out of 160 players in my division, I was the highest placing female, taking 7th. I never played any women. Mike (my husband) took 7th in his Platinum division, and we placed 7th in Team.
I was the first female House Pro at Jillian’s Billiard Club in Seattle, where I would run corporate tournaments and qualifiers for the IPT and give lessons.
Now, I am House Pro at our local poolroom in Medford, OR, where I run tournaments of all kinds, give lessons and help with the BCA league. In 2015, I held a big tournament at Rack 'Em and had great door prizes from many pros and players from all over OR, WA, and CA to play. Viking donated a gorgeous cue, and Play the Game Clothing made us beautiful shirts. Update: we finished our 4th annual Viking Ladies Regional Championship, and in 2019, I held a large Men’s Open event. I’m responsible for getting the extra added money to the tournaments and have been able to raise thousands.
Won both the ACS Regional Masters 8 ball AND 9 ball – 2015 – the only time I played ACS.
Took 2nd in VNEA Masters at Nationals 1997 – again, the only time I played VNEA. This resulted in me being named to the VNEA All-Star Team.
Placed 2nd (from the hot seat) in Scotch Doubles at BCA Nationals in Vegas with Glenn Atwell. There was some controversy over our loss.
The Ross Schafer Show had me on twice in the 90s in Seattle for playing pool.
I was also featured when we made 2 pilots for a billiards TV show here in Medford, spearheaded by Larry Nathan.
I was Athlete of the Week on the news (and also, the same month, was on stage for Wheel of Fortune tryouts, and I guessed the correct answer but was not chosen).
My family and I all had our 15 minutes of fame in the same month one year. Mike and I took 5th in Atlantic City for BCA Nationals 9 ball and were in Billiards Digest and Pool and Billiards magazine. My son was on ESPN for the X Games (aggressive inline skating), and my daughter was on the inside front cover of People magazine, modeling for Chevy.
I also helped Jeanette Lee make her Virtual Pool 3 commercial in L.A.
I'm a contributing writer for Sneaky Pete Mafia. The last interviews were with Emily Duddy and the cofounders of Salotto.
I founded the Women's NW amateur tour, now called the NWPA. Originally it was the ACW (Association of Cuesports for Women), where I was President for 7 years and was the points leader overall, having the most 9 ball breaks and Break and Runs. I handed it over turnkey when I resigned.
I won WBPA qualifiers on 3 different women's tours: 2nd in State on the ACW tour, 1st at Hard Times in Sacramento on the northern CA tour, and 2nd in the L.A./ Southern California tour. This allowed me to start getting invited to be on the WPBA tour.
Qualified to play in Worlds in Quebec, CN. Michaela Tabb called me on a hair foul when my hair grazed a ball, lol.
I was honored to be the lone player representing the US in China in 2019. Playing and hanging out alongside Simeng Chen, Kelly Fisher, Chezka Centano, and Margaret Fefilova was an honor.
I’ve been an Ambassador for Viking Cues for over 20 years and now for N’ the Zone billiards sportswear.
Also, a Regional Rep for Salotto.
The WPBA voted me to be in charge of designing and laying out the printed programs one year.
One of the achievements I am proudest of is winning 3 big weekend Scotch doubles tournaments on 3 consecutive weekends with 3 different partners! Scott Chandler, Barry Emerson, and James Davee. Have also won with Mikey (Zimmerman, my husband, several times) and 2nd in BCA Nationals with Glenn Atwell.
Won the Queen of the Hill tournament that Cindy Doty coordinated at BCA Regionals (2018 or 2019?). Liz Cole took 2nd.
Took 2nd at Malarkey’s in Tacoma in my first big table 9 Ball tournament in a long time. Pro Liz Cole won.
My record run was breaking and running 6 games of 8 ball in a row until he quit me (on an 8-footer with a big cue ball). He never got to shoot. I’ll never forget when he said he wasn’t playing too bad! My record for 9 ball is 4 in a row in competition on a 9-footer. My highest place in a WPBA tournament was 13th, beating seeded players LoreeJon and Kathie MacDonald. My highest ranking in the WPBA was 37th, one short of making it into the program.
In the early days, I did all this while being a single parent, carrying a mortgage, and practicing on the weekends, because I was a full-time Radiologic Technologist. As a Lead RT, I was one of the very few able to make incisions in people’s feet and do a procedure called a lymphangiogram, where I injected several things through the feet, staging for cancer. I also phlebotomized and cannulated and was the Safety Officer for Mason Clinic in Seattle. And I co-wrote the review book on Mammography for the National Boards and had several articles published in medical journals for my help in researching the efficacy of Ultrasound Diagnostics in breast cancer.
Here’s a collection of random tournaments I have won or placed in over the years. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157994370656606&id=625116605
Here's what a local player said about me that I thought was sweet. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158187665721606&id=625116605
Another couple achievements that I’m not sure many men can say, let alone women, Shane Van Boening and Jayson Shaw were #1 and #2 rated Fargo players. Not sure where they are now on Fargorate. I have beaten both of them for fun. At a charity event, I played a safe on SVB, he missed, and I made the 1-9 combo I had set up. We then agreed to bank or kick the 9 in after we spotted it. I did a 3-rail kick on the 9. With Jayson, I practiced with him in Lincoln City and beat him several games, although the ratio was tilted in his favor! They are both monsters!
Known as ‘The Queen’ on AZ Billiards and wrote the 8 Ball Tips thread.
One thing that distinguishes me from any other player is what I've done to give back. Not just on prowess, but I've also promoted pool without compensation. Here's an example of the work I put into making memorable experiences for the players. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153023738696606&id=625116605
I am married to another Grand Master, Michael Zimmerman, who was also on the IPT. Only one other married couple on the IPT, LoreeJon and Sammy Jones (now divorced). Mike went on the road as a teenager with Dave Piona and Cole Dickson, both of whom have passed on. So I have been involved in pool from just about every angle...I can't think of any other female that has been involved at the highest level (IPT/WPBA/Worlds) to leagues and giving lessons, starting and running a popular long-standing women's amateur/semi-pro tour, to contributing marketing to both the WPBA and Sneaky Pete Mafia, and been a contributor to On the Break regional newspaper AND married to a great pool player. From all this experience, I know a lot of players worldwide whom I count as wonderful friends. My goals have always been to promote pool, display character and integrity in the face of adversity, and always have the desire to be the best I can be while helping others to be their best.
My proudest achievements are my 2 beautiful children, Shawn and Carina, who are fantastic, just great people and fun to be around. Shawn does Commercial Real Estate lending in Seattle. He has also started a niche sideline business in the aggressive skating world. My daughter lives and works in Japan as a web developer, programming in Japanese. She also has a business degree, is a fashion designer, and is fluent in Japanese. She also competes bareback, shooting arrows at targets.