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Aug 27, 20162 min read
Press Release ~ Cyborg Tips
Just 7 months after launching Cyborg tips in the US market, FMC announced today that Brooklyn, NY base Jorge “J-Rod” Rodriquez has joined...

Jul 3, 20162 min read
Logan Briggs ~ Jay Swisher
If you have never seen a Junior Player start his career, then you are missing out.Logan Briggs, a four foot, six year old, Northern Ohio...

Jun 12, 20164 min read
Billythekid Lasee ~ Missy Capestrain
Pronounced: Bi-lee-thuh-KID- LA za-ay, and that’s Lasee not Lasso. Billythekid is quite the character with some very interesting talents...

May 30, 20162 min read
Snap Out Of It ~ Anthony Beeler
Pool is a game of ups and downs. Most pool players experience a slump at some time or another. Slumps occur when you play below your...

Apr 28, 20163 min read
Cheqio & Darren Appleton ~ Jeanna Diedrich
There has recently been discussion and even some controversy over a new product on the market called Cheqio (check-e-oh). According to...

Apr 17, 20166 min read
Dick Abbott Interview
I recently had a very enjoyable phone conversation with pool cue photographer, Dick Abbott at his home in Virginia. I hesitate to label...

Apr 10, 20168 min read
A Biography: Joe Pechauer ~ April Larson
Due to his father, Jerry Pechauer, being a member of the pool world for many years; Joe had it in his blood to do something involving...

Apr 5, 20162 min read
Atlanta, GA – April 4, 2016 – Retired Marine, world famous trick shot artist, and past president of the World Pool Billiard Association –...

Mar 26, 20163 min read
From the Mind of Darren Appleton {Part One}
From an early age I knew one day I would be a World Champion in sports. But every successful person, in sports or not, knows it’s a...

Mar 24, 20165 min read
Partner’s Events- Fun or Just Frustrating?
Every so often a league, tour, or pool hall will hold a partner’s event. These events can be really fun and rewarding, but, they can also...

Dec 30, 20152 min read
A Few Reviews. ~ Warren Ackary {Review}
Q-Whiz Cue Shaft Conditioner Surprised I purchased one of these, and am happy I did! Q-Whiz did a brilliant job cleaning my cue shaft. No...

Dec 14, 20152 min read
Brian Pauley. ~ Kevin Brown {Interview}
Kevin Brown: When did you start doing artistic pool and who was your influence? Brian Pauley: I started doing artistic pool about a year...

Jan 7, 20155 min read
PoolSchool: The Stroke. ~ Boris Vidakovic {Part 1}
The Stroke After we have discussed three out of four basic fundamentals, we come to the most important thing of all, The Stroke! If you...

Dec 23, 20143 min read
PoolSchool: The Bridge. ~ Boris Vidakovic {Part 4}
Open Rail Bridge When you are in the situation that the cue ball is too close to the rail or on the rail, it is very hard to use a closed...

Oct 21, 20142 min read
How To Improve Your Break Shot. ~ Allan Sand
If you are getting inconsistent results in your break, you have an inconsistent stroke. The key to developing a good break shot is to...

Oct 11, 20142 min read
Memorable Beginnings. ~ Mike Johnson
I remember it like it was yesterday, but it was actually 39 years ago. I was five and we lived in Seattle, Washington. My dad had a pool...

Sep 14, 20141 min read
Slowing Down a Little. ~ Greg Hogue
If you arrive at a point in the game and find yourself losing your edge, just slow down. Take two steps back. Attempt to slow the stroke...

Sep 9, 20143 min read
The One-Handed Game Is What Got Him. ~ Greg Hogue
My trip to Oklahoma last month to play a challenge match with Oklahoma City super star Chip Compton was fun and entertaining, to say the...

Sep 1, 20142 min read
PoolSchool: Aspects in Pool. ~ Boris Vidakovic
Aspects in pool: As you can see on the scheme, aspects of pool are a man, surroundings and goals. The Man On the top of the story is the...

Aug 15, 20144 min read
Why do We Love Pool? ~ Brian Gibbs
Pool players, we’re an eccentric bunch of characters aren’t we? Why is that? Why do we get so excited—so enthralled with a game—that for...
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